Meal Prep and delivery in Middletown

We are more than happy to hear about our services, bad or good. We will get it done right for you.
Hey Chefs!

I’ve been deliberately waiting until we’ve had all 5 meals to provide feedback, and we just tasted the final meal last night. My feedback is this – AWESOME!!!

The meals were all very tasty, and easily prepared.  I do have a bit of feedback to share – none of which are intended as criticisms, more along the line of tweaks for us, personally.
1.  Brown rice is “meh” by itself, for us.  We really liked it mixed in with the stuffed peppers, that was a hit, but as a stand alone side, i think we would pass on that going forward.
2.  Beets – I ate BEETS!  Well done in hiding them in the roasted veggies with the Salmon dinner – outstanding flavor combo.
3.  Speaking of the salmon dinner – the mustard glaze was great – maybe a bit more of that next time.  And we LOVE salmon, so don’t be afraid to use that protein frequently.
Aside from that our first go-round was absolutely a 10, and looking forward to the next slate of dinners – the menu looks wonderful, and i am especially looking forward to the Curry and Thai Chicken stir fry.
Thanks Chef Holly – WELL DONE!

Oh, and one more piece of feedback – the packaging was perfect and well executed.  The delivery could not have been easier, and the meal containers fit perfectly into our freezer shelving system, allowing for a placement that allowed meal rotation without having to dig through all the containers. And very low impact to the environment – well done!

On delivery days for Chef Norbert, I will ensure that there is always room to place all the meals in the chest freezer in the garage, none will be required to be placed in the fridge on delivery day.
Thanks Chef!